Thinking About Owning Your Own Business? You Have Plenty of Company Among the Over-50
More than 50% of business owners are over-50 and the majority of them indicate they're planning to expand those enterprises.
Most are realistic, keeping them small so they can manage the risk.
About a third fly solo, that is, they don't take on partners.
Rare is manifesting becoming the next Marc Zuckerburg. They understand what they can handle well.
And reducing the risk usually entails sticking with what they know. The middle-aged auto dealership sales rep pushed out during slow sales creates a boutique training sales tactics.
Hot off the press on Substack is my article on being over-50 and shifting from employee to business owner. Yes, you can change lanes at any age.
Affordable Career Coach Jane Genova
provides end-to-end career services, ranging from diagnosis of the challenges
and fix-it strategies to preparation of resume/cover letters/LinkedIn profiles
and how to gain control of an interview. She specializes in over-50 work issues.
For a confidential complimentary consultation please text/phone 203-468-8579 or
email Fees custom-made for your unique budget.
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